Certified in an established program called "Art4Healing", Crescent Moon Center's director will facilitate a theme-based two-hour art workshop using acrylics, watercolors, pastels and collage. It is a fast-paced painting project created around themes and questions within the themes, some allowing only 2 minutes to respond to. At the end of each exercise, participants are encouraged to share about their painting experience and the emotions involved. This is an educational exercise, and no prior art experience is necessary.
Center participants will have access to a well-equipped art studio which allows self-expression through art in an unstructured environment, selecting from a range of materials such as paint, clay, etc. An Artist in Residency will provide a peer mentorship to all particpants.

Certified in an established program called "Art4Healing", Crescent Moon Center's director will facilitate a theme-based two-hour art workshop using acrylics, watercolors, pastels and collage. It is a fast-paced painting project created around themes and questions within the themes, some allowing only 2 minutes to respond to. At the end of each exercise, participants are encouraged to share about their painting experience and the emotions involved. This is an educational exercise, and no prior art experience is necessary.
Center participants will have access to a well-equipped art studio which allows self-expression through art in an unstructured environment, selecting from a range of materials such as paint, clay, etc. An Artist in Residency will provide a peer mentorship to all particpants.
Bill O’Donnell has been actively involved in the healthcare and wellness industry for over thirty years. He is a nationally recognized entrepreneur and business innovator, known in his field for starting companies with progressive behavioral health and lifestyle programs.
In 1983, Bill founded and became the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of NextHealth, LLC, a company which has been a leading provider of alternative health care services, focused on illness prevention and self-care. Bill is best known in the addiction field for opening “Sierra Tucson,” a behavioral healthcare center and leading residential rehabilitation facility for the treatment of substance abuse and related mental health disorders. Sierra Tuscon’s innovative treatment program included an Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy Program, developed and run by Barbara Rector, the pioneer of Equine Based Human Development (EBHD) work and co-founder of the Therapeutic Riding Organization of Tuscon, Inc. (TROT). In 1994, thanks to a generous gift from Bill O’Donnell, TROT was able to launch its Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) and Psychotherapy (EFP) programs.
In 1996, using the knowledge and programmatic skills Bill acquired working with addictions, Bill focused on bringing this transformative work to people interested in more fully connecting with their lives in healthy, meaningful ways, and opened Miraval, Life in Balance. Miraval, a luxury health and wellness spa, offered a range of healing and alternative health programs which encouraged mindfulness, personal growth and self-realization. Miraval was voted the best resort spa year after year, and in 2001, ranked 29 in a field of 100 best places to vacation anywhere in the world. In 2007, Bill sold Miraval to Steve Case, the founder of AOL, who used it as his beginning platform transaction to build out Revolution Health.
After many years in the desert, Bill returned to his home in Chicago where he is the Founder and Managing Director of ODE, LLC, a private investment firm focused on investing in healthcare, hotels and various multichannel startups. In 2015, Bill along with his longtime partner and friend, Joseph DeNucci, relaunched NextHealth, LLC. The Company provides consulting expertise in comprehensive strategic planning and business development, specifically to clients with interests in healthy living and sustainable lifestyle products.